Thursday, September 20, 2007

Watermelon & Lemonade

Ain't she cute? This picture was taken last year at the park...girl loves her watermelon!

I have to tell you this story:

The other day, I showed E a picture of my granddaddy and asked her if she knew who it was. He died a couple of years before she was born. Here is how the conversation went:

Mommy: Do you know who that is?

E: Who is dat?

Mommy: That is your great-granddaddy Leonard. Did you see him in heaven?

E: Yes I did.

Mommy: You did? What was he doing?

E: Eatin' fwoot.

Mommy: What kind of fruit was he eating?

E: Watermelon and lemonade.

Mommy: What else was he doing?

E: He wa singin'.

Mommy: Who was he singing to?

E: Jedus (translation: Jesus).

Mommy: What was he singing?

E: How Gate (translation: "How Great is our God")

Now, if you knew my granddaddy, you would know that he couldn't sing a lick! Everyone always told him that he could look forward to being able to sing when he got to heaven. For as long as I can remember, there was an ongoing joke throughout our church about him joining the choir. Other choir members jokingly threatened to get out of Leonard joined.

So, how "ironic" (if you want to call it that) for E to say that he was singing. Then, how perfect it is that she said he was singing this beautiful, worshipful song to Jesus.

Oh...I'm getting "homesick." What a peace we have to know that no matter who we've lost in our lives, if they served the same Christ we do, we have everything to look forward to...

Everything - Eternity to spend eating "fwoot", drinking lemonade and singing praises to our Father!

Watching for your return Lord...Until then.

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