I gotta get my questions answered huh? Thanks to those of you who asked these great questions. If you'd still like to ask me a question - any question - please feel free to still do so.
I will try and make these as short as possible so that you don't give up on me and move along.
Anonymous asked: "So far, what has been your most rewarding experience in raising E?"
Well, the rewards of raising a child are certainly too many to count & she is not even 3 yet. I can't imagine how it will be to look back on her life when she is grown and married and raising children of her own.
Right now, the one that stands out to me by far is watching her grow to know the Lord. "What do you mean? She is only 2?" You would be amazed how much she already knows about her Heavenly Father at her young age. Does she understand it? I'm sure not. But, she knows that He hears her prayers, cares for her and lives in her heart. It is so rewarding watching her learn the power of prayer and learning to talk to Jesus, as her best friend. No memorized prayers to be recited, no same ole', same ole'. But, that she can just talk to Him...when she is scared, when she feels bad or when one of us is sick. She knows she doesn't even need anything in order to talk to Him. All she has to do is talk.
She has been dealing with a head cold for a few days and right in the middle of the grocery store isle last week, she said, "Mommy, I weally don't feel good. Can you pway for me now?" I could have easily said a prayer under my breath and still been heard by the Lord, but I know that what will stand out in her memory in years to come is that her mother stopped what she was doing to lay hands on her and pray for her. Did I do it for attention? Not at all. There were people around, but I am not even sure they saw. But, I am not ashamed. These times can also be used as a witness of my faith and what my 2 year old knows about prayer to others around.
So, at this point, I feel like the biggest reward is knowing that we are raising her right in the light of eternity. To love the Lord. Serve Him. Talk to Him. Know Him. Feel Him. Touch Him and be touched by Him. If we strive to do this everyday, we will be rewarded with children that spend eternity in heaven with us.
D (Donya, is this you?) asked: "As a stay at home mom, what are some of the major challenges you face? What would you change?"
Being a stay at home mom is the "job" I've always wanted to have. It is wonderful, but so challenging. I know a lot of folks that work a full-time job will totally laugh at this and think I am insane. But, bear with me.
Being a "stay at home mom" would actually imply that we stay at home during the day, which we don't. I thought I'd have devotions done, breakfast ready, candles lit, house cleaned, play time with E, books that I've been wanting to read - read, and then dinner on the table when hubby walked in. I dreamed of putting June Cleaver to shame. I would be Beaver's worst nightmare of a mom!
E and I take care of my grandmother 4 days a week in the mornings. So, my day as a "SAHM" doesn't officially begin until early afternoon. In the meantime, I have a candle business that I work from home, which is a blast and I love!
So add a 2 1/2 year old to the mix - with an 81 year old grandmother - breakfast that is at times (I hate to say..."almost forgotten") when E sleeps in - a strewn house - unread books that keep stacking up - and dinner...can you say "Kelloggs?"
Candles lit and playtime with E - got it covered!!!! Oh and yes, I do get a bath - EVERYday!
All of this to say - sometimes I think I'm just flat out underqualified for my "JOB" as a stay at home mommy & work at home mommy. But, nobody said things have to be perfect. These are only challenges if I make them that way. Some women have it all together - and then energy to spare. Lord knows, I will never be one of those women. That is okay.
Thankfully, I was blessed with a husband that is not demanding about his dinner being ready when he walks in the door or his house being spotless. Child fed, played with, naptime done, fed, cleaned and off to bed. He could care less about our schedules during the day. That is great - because all he wants to know is if we had a good day and if I took care of her and loved her. After all, isn't that why I'm home anyway?
What would I change? Hmm...I need a maid (don't we all?) to match up our clean socks and put 'em in their places. I can do laundry all day, but I.don't.wanna put it up. Uggh. I need a chef to cook the Steak & Potatoes that my husband deserves whenever he pleases. I need a speed-reader that will attach their eyes to the back of my head so I can read while I am working and playing and feeding and bathing. That way, all those books I'd like to have under my belt will be.
But, I'd settle for my not-so-perfect days in a heartbeat!